ITRON GAS METER RF1 (Residential Diaphragm Gas Meter)

Gas Type Natural Gas, air, propane, butane, nitrogen and all non-corrosive
Metrology Meter conforming to Australian Standard AS4647 and OIML R137-1
Accuracy Maximum permissible errors (% of


+/- 3% from Qmin. to 0.1 Qmax.

+/- 1.5% from 0.1 Qmax. to Qmax.

Pressure drop 125Pa at 8.5 m3/h (gas)
Temperature range 2 dm3
Maximum Operating Pressure Operating: -10°C to +60°C

Storage: -40°C to +70°C

Measuring Range 50kPA (1 Bar option)
Casing Material Qmin 0.016 m3/h

Qmax 10 m3/h

Totalizer Aluminium die-cast case with grounding

and polyester powder painting

(resist 1000h salt spray test)

Transmission Rate 0.01 m3 / rotation
Transmission System Cyble™ target
Approval Australian NMI-R137
Dust and rain protection IP67 (according EN60529)
Connections 1” (BS746)
Flow Direction Left to Right
Colour Mushroom color (Y65 in accordance with

AS 2700 -1985)

Back Flow Protection Back run stop
Transmission Magnetic coupling
Weight 3 kg
Pressure tap Outlet connector – Thread no.2 B.A. (Ø4,7) according to PRS 11
Categories: ,


ITRON GAS METER RF1 (Residential Diaphragm Gas Meter)

ITRON GAS METER RF1 adalah alat pengukur aliran gas bertipe Natural Gas, air, propane, butane, nitrogen and all non-corrosive, dengan akurasi Maximum permissible errors (% of measurement) (+/- 3% from Qmin. to 0.1 Qmax.) (+/- 1.5% from 0.1 Qmax. to Qmax.)


Fitur :

  • Siap untuk pembacaan jarak jauh dan manajemen data
  • Konstruksi yang kuat
  • Ramah lingkungan
  • Multi-rentang G1.6, G2.5, G4 dan G6

Aplikasi :

  • Stabilitas metrologi jangka panjang RF1 menjadikannya pilihan yang tepat untuk pasar gas perumahan dengan konsumsi tinggi